We’ve presented our products and services at the huge information security conference Positive Hack Days on 21-22 May in Moscow. Reports say, there were over 9000 participants this year.
We were happy to have a chance to participate in such event!
Our main offer included application security orchestration solution and penetration testing services.

Apart from our corporate booth, we’ve also organized and supported the Medical Security Village which to our knowledge was the first such event ever!

The MedSecVillage covered several questions including network, data, software and hardware security issues of medical systems. We’ve also prepared a CTF competition where the participants could try to exploit recently disclosed vulnerabilities found by DeteAct as well as find common misconfiguration issues.
Previously, we’ve started an Open Medical Security Project which eventually led to discovering and reporting numerous medical software issues. The project was presented in 2018 at Kaspersky Academic Summit in Budapest.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to receive a free consultation or a quotation for the consulting services or the application security orchestration SaaS.