On July 23-25, 2021, the largest competitive pentest platform, HackTheBox, hosted the HTB Business CTF 2021 competition for companies worldwide.
A total of 537 teams registered for the competition, of which 374 managed to participate.
Our team was the fastest in most core tasks: security analysis of web applications, cloud applications, Linux and Windows network services, cryptoanalysis.
We also solved many of the reverse-engineering, forensics, and binary exploitation tasks. For most of the competition, we held first place with a large margin over other teams.

But then, being outnumbered (7 participants at a limit of 10 per team), the DeteAct team took 7th place in the world.
To assess the security of your infrastructure against attacks by one of the strongest ethical hacker teams in the world, contact us for penetration testing services.
We perform both conventional security assessment and penetration testing, as well as more in-depth research, consulting, and building secure development processes.